Friday, June 25, 2010

The Legendary Newscasters

Yesterday was film day for my group, The Legends. For some reason, when I woke up that morning, I wasn't very nervous about working in front of a camera, as opposed to yesterday, when I was taking pictures and felt out of my depth. Feeling better about a movie camera than a photo camera doesn't make much sense when you think about it. Film is basically a stream of pictures taken by a big camera. Maybe it was the fact that I wasn't the one operating it this time. My team covered a group of 8-15-year-old kids who were visiting USM to attend a workshop about musical theater, similar to the way I came to learn about journalism. I was instructed to think of questions to ask them about their experience here. When the news crew got to the theater, the kids were in the middle of a performance. I got to see the end of the play, which looked interesting. Afterwards, when the young actors came backstage, we were waiting, notepads in hand. I was first to interview someone. I ended up being more nervous than the little girl about the whole thing. After I asked my questions, the other members of my team did their own interviews with some of the other kids. When we had all the footage we needed, our team headed down to the studio to edit it. We made a news spot that consisted of a statement from each group member about the camp, followed by a clip we had edited and audio commentary by yours truly. The whole editing process only took an hour and a half, which Dr. Leduff, our instructor, said was the shortest time in which anyone had ever done it. Of course, I can't take the credit for that. My teammates did an amazing job, saying their lines quickly and well. Miranda, Vanessa, you make The Legends truly legendary. I really enjoyed the whole process, and I'm glad that The Legends lived up to their name.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh OMGosh Seth we can't take all the credit; you was awesome as well. Your the man with the voice! coming from Teammate Vanessa
