Friday, June 25, 2010

Conquering the Last Medium

Radio day. I've always wondered what it would be like to work in radio, and when I saw that Thursday was our group's turn to voice a news story, I was excited. Thursday was also the day our entire class was scheduled to go to the Gulf Coast Research Lab and interview the scientists there about the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. When we arrived, Mr. Stanley, the man in charge of the radio production group, gave us cool little recorders to use when asking questions. Using a recorder was much easier than taking a lot of notes by hand, and it was more reliable, since you knew you were giving direct quotes instead of just being "pretty sure" of what someone said. If I do go into journalism professionally, I'm definitely getting some sort of recording device. Anyway, we went all over the lab, which is comprised of many different buildings, and interviewed four or five different people. The problem was that it was past 1 p.m. when we finally started back for the campus, and we had an hour-and-a-half drive to get there. That meant none of us started working on our stories until almost 3 p.m., as opposed to the 1:30 start we had been used to. The broadcast was set to air at 5 p.m. When we arrived at the radio station, the man in charge told us no one had completed their story in only two hours before. Vanessa told him not to worry, we were The Legends. I don't know if that eased his mind any, but we lived up to our name once again, delivering a good presentation in plenty of time for the broadcast. Working on the radio was fun, even under a harsh deadline, and it ties newspaper work for my favorite medium, followed closely by television. Really, I've enjoyed all the work I've done here. Yes, even the photography, Casey. I'm not sure exactly what we'll be doing tomorrow, but I'm sure I'll have a good time doing it. This is Seth Houston, signing out.

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